
Rise of the Phoenix: Beyond Menopause Mastery

NEW TRAINING COURSE!  8 hours Certificate / CPD / CEUs / PDAs - worldwide. With the menopause powerhouse trio Kath ...

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Maciocia & Robinson: Depression and Anxiety (4 CEU)

Limited access. Offer expires 31st August 2020* Sign up today and get access to Giovanni's 90-minute webinar for one...

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Menopause Master Class: 12 Modules Upfront

Celebrate International Women's Day: FRIDAY 8th MARCH 2024 with a special 50% discount on the Menopause Masterclass! ...

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Fertility Certification Course 10 CPD / PDA / CEU

Course Overview The Fertility Certification Course is accredited for 10 PDA / CEU / CPD points or hours.   M...

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Peter Deadman Chinese Medicine for Midlife and Menopause

Get an eBook of downloadable notes and a Certificate for 2 PDA / CEU / CPD when you watch Peter Deadman's webinar: ...

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Giovanni Maciocia Introduction to Treating Menopause

Learn from world expert Giovanni Maciocia as he takes you through an Introduction to the treatment of menopause with ...

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Net of Knowledge TeleHealth Coaching Program

New technologies offer an unprecedented opportunity for you to deliver remote care for your patients during the Covid...

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Chinese Medicine and Mental Health

Available now - sign up and watch today. This important webinar provides a unique view on how Chinese Medicine under...

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Radical Retreats Ibiza with Kath Berry

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