Chinese Medicine and Mental Health

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This important webinar provides a unique view on how Chinese Medicine understands mental health. The focus will be on how people are responding and reacting to Covid 19 according to differential patterning.

Anastacïa White will take you through:

  • Treatment options of Chinese herbal formulas
  • Australian Flower Essences & Essential oils (ideal for TeleHealth and prescribing to patients online)
  • Acupuncture Points
  • TCM Dietary Advice

The material presented will open new perspectives for practitioners in settling the Five Shen.


  • To understand the Chinese medicine perspective on mental health.
  • To differentiate patterns of disharmonies.
  • To use Chinese herbs and acupuncture, flower essences and essential oils for treatment protocols.


Presenter Biography 

Anastacïa White celebrates 40 years of immersion into the Chinese Medical Sciences. She begun her studies in Chinese herbal medicine in 1981 completing a 3 year apprenticeship at the Institute of Oriental Medicine in 1984.

The same year she opened up a clinical practice in Santa Cruz, California and her excellence in service provision caught the attention Ted Kaptchuk who invited her to collaborate in creating American manufactured Chinese herbal formulas.

Based on her extensive knowledge and success, in the 1990s she was recruited by Giovanni Maciocia to help develop his herbal remedies. And she then introduced Giovanni's formulas and extensive written material to the US acupuncturists - which promptly spread all over the world.

Having excelled at Chinese Herbal medicine the millennium brought Anastacïa cosmology, physiology, and history of the Chinese sciences and finally the art of Chinese astrology and Taoist self-cultivation with the revered ancestor Lui Ming.

Anastacïa shares her passion for Chinese Herbs and plant medicines to support mental health and ease suffering. We're privileged to benefit from her teachings in this webinar.


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